Construction neuve - Terrain à construire par un architecte Archidvisor
Projet Maison en Bois de Luxe dans la foret réalisé par un architecte Archidvisor Projet Maison en Bois de Luxe dans la foret réalisé par un architecte Archidvisor

Maison en Bois de Luxe dans la foret
Construction neuve à Gérone

Gérone, Espagne

The contemporary Forest cabin has been carefully designed for an artist who wants to move from Barcelona to the near forest as a response to the pandemic and the increased possibility of working remotely. The architecture borrows traditional wooden house construction with exposed wooden beams, exposed wooden carpentry for the windows. Large openings on the breathtaking views are present in the whole house composed of a living room kitchen in open plan and 2 bedrooms upstairs.

The parcel is surrounded by forest and tall trees and to give a sense of safety the large wooden terrace flies over the terrain maintained by steel diagonal beams. An infinity Japanese Bath is placed at one extremity of the terrace.
The interior design is a mix of rustic and convenient wooden features such as the built staircase with storage underneath, a rustic wooden kitchen contrasting the contemporary design of the extra- large windows.
One of the key features is the use of Fetdeterra blocks (raw clay stabilized with lime that look like rammed earth) there are used to create a tall chiminea and the create the bathroom wall. Some bespoke wooden shutters doors as second skin of the house filters the excess of sun while allowing the views on the stunning valley.

Les détails du projet

Terrain à construire

150 m²

En cours de réalisation

Mission complète (conception, démarches administratives et suivi de chantier)


Construction neuve

200 000 €*

* Hors taxes et honoraires

Un projet réalisé par


Paris 8e Arrondissement, France

96 avis

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